Friday, September 17, 2010

How to talk like a Pirate

Here be some hints

And a pirate rap song

Airlie Beach for ITLaPDiAB

Today in Airlie we will get together after siesta at about 3 pm on the picnic tables at Magnums. Yarr!

At Keswick Island the entire island will become a pirate island for the day.

Aargh Cap’n Dan,
Keswick Island has 14 permanent residents and we love being involved in ‘Talk like a Pirate Day’. With the Jolly Rodger flying high from our flag pole and the continuous recital of pirate jokes we all have far too much good fun – aargh!
Keep up your good work. Cheers, Brian & Lyn Kinderman
Keswick Island Guesthouse,

You can be a pirate anywhere and wave yer hook in the air!